Open letter on the Urgent Need to Regulate Digital Technologies

The Digital Humanism Initiative urges regulation of digital technologies by the EU in the light of latest threats. We, the signatories of this letter, believe that the European Union (EU) must stand up to the overt threats to its digital regulatory framework which has been and continues to be constructed in order to safeguard its humanistic and democratic values. These threats emanate from an unprecedented confluence of immense political and economic power and the EU … Read more

New book about Digital Humanism

Hannes Werthner was interviewed by Walter Famler – Alte Schmiede Wien – on 25 January 2025 about his new book. In this book, which recently appeared in German, titled: Digitaler Humanismus. Über Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz, Hannes Werthner addresses the topic of advancing digitalisation including artificial intelligence, and describes the enormous opportunities that arise from it and also analyses its serious shortcomings. His concept of digital humanism (he initiated the first workshop on digital humanism … Read more

Wendy Hall discussed AI global governance @DigHumTUWIEN

Vienna, 25 October 2024 — Dame Wendy Hall contributed to the preparation of the UN’s new report Governing AI for Humanity. In her talk, at TU Wien, Wendly Hall discussed a blueprint for addressing the risks of AI, while fostering its innovation potential. Seven recommendations are proposed for global current AI governance. It calls on global partnerships for AI governance for innovation and protection of human rights. The UN must lay the foundations of an … Read more

Digital Humanism Summer School Vienna, 2024

The EURIDICE project is proud to present a short account on the 3rd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School 2024. Digital Humanism is an interdisciplinary initiative that examines the complex interplay between technology and humankind, with the aim of creating a better society and placing humans at the centre of technological innovation. Digital Humanism breaks down disciplinary silos, by integrating humanities, social, technical, and engineering sciences. The Digital Humanism Summer School, organized and hosted by the … Read more

3rd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School

Digital Humanism is an interdisciplinary field that examines the complex interplay between technology and humankind with the aim of creating a better society and improving our lives. It recognizes that an interdisciplinary approach is necessary, breaking down disciplinary silos and integrating humanities, social, technical, and engineering sciences.