The Digital Humanism Lecture Series: Pressing Matters of the Digital Society

Vienna, Austria, February 2024. EURIDICE has teamed up with the Digital Humanism Lecture Series, organized and hosted by partner TU Vienna (WP8/T8.3). Its Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML) organizes regular lectures given by a rich range of prominent international speakers on current and pressing matters in and of the Digital Society.

The Digital Humanism Initiative is an international collaboration seeking to build a community of scholars, policy makers, and industrial players who are focused on ensuring that technology development remains centered on human interests. It provides thought leadership on current and critical developments concerning the Digital Transformation.

The upcoming lecture programme can be found at and here you can also find the archives and resources such as slides and recordings of past events. The online lectures are on Tuesdays 17:00 CET, can be followed real-time on zoom, and are afterwards made available via YouTube.