Pavol Josef Šafarik University

Role: European university

Pavol Josef Šafarik University (UPJŠ – Slovakia) was established in 1959 in Košice, eastern Slovakia, as the second classical University in Slovakia. The current structure of P. J. Šafárik University includes five faculties – Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Administration and Faculty of Arts. At our University more than 7 500 students are studying.

The University provides education in three main cycles – bachelor’s, master’s, doctor´s and PhD. studies in different fields. The process of education is provided in both, Slovak and English language. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice provides higher education based on the newest scientific findings in a wide international context. The University co-operates very intensively with academic institutions all around the world.

In EURIDICE, the University’s tasks will be: Master modules design & delivery; curriculum design, microcredentials. Modules: (i) Cyber Security, (ii) Citizenship and Democratic Governance of Digital Technologies. Teacher and Professional Training modules. Translation and delivery of modules in Slovak language. Facilities: Innovation Park (TIP). Centre for Information and Communication technologies including Information and Cyber Security Unit. It contributes a wide network of SMEs and societal partners for regional uptake of the educational offering. Relevant expertise: Cyber Security, Political History, Contemporary History. Teacher Training and Educational Science, Philosophy, Technology. Centre for Life-long-learning.