Conference:Building Excellence in International Joint Study Programmes: Focus on the Czech Republic

Charles University, Congress center in Karolinum, Blue Lecture Hall, Celetna street No. 20 Prague 1
May 17 @ Charles University, Congress center in Karolinum, Blue Lecture Hall, Celetna street No. 20 Prague 1

On 17 May, in Prague, EURIDICE was presented in two sessions, by two speakers from two partner universities during this conference, which was organized by Charles University.

From the University of Innsbruck, Vice-Rector for Education, Univ-Prof. Berhard Fügenschuh presented Experience challenges and Opportunities – University Alliances, about the Aurora and EURIDICE projects.

From Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Dr. Silvia Ručinská presented “Joint European Degree as an element of the university internationalisation“, in which she presented the EURIDICE project as one of the key projects in which joint European education at the master’s level is being designed and will be rolled out in the coming period.

This will contribute to meeting the ambitions of the European Union to build highly skilled digital experts for the digital transition, to create joint education across Europe and build sustainable, long-lasting partnerships.