Home Digital Society EURIDICE presented at Aurora Biannual in Naples, 28 May 2024

EURIDICE presented at Aurora Biannual in Naples, 28 May 2024

Naples, 28 May 2024. The Vice-rector of Education of the University of Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fügenschuh, presented EURIDICE and the novel European joint master curriculum as one of the educational innovations currently being designed by an expert team of the EURIDICE Consortium, in which academics from the University Federico II of Naples (UNINA), University of Innsbruck (UIBK), Palacky University Olomouc (UPOL) participate.

A special session was devoted to discuss design and implementation of Micro-credentials (MC). MCs certify the learning outcomes of short-term learning experiences, for example a short course or training. Through recognition of each others’ education modules, it will be possible to create flexible, stackable, international learning experiences in a European landscape of Higher Education and life-long learning.

The audience at this Aurora biannual 2024 conference day, on 28th June, consisted of more than 350 participants being mainly academic and administrative staff members from ten European universities in the AURORA European Universities Alliance. This succesful event was organized and hosted by UNINA.

On 30th May the EURIDICE consortium joined at the Faculty of Social Sciences of UNINA, to discuss and reflect on the ongoing project.