Connected World Outreach event: Symposium “Perspectives on ICT4D”

A mini-symposium was devoted to ICT for Development in the Field. ICT4D is an interdisciplinary research topic, to explore design/deployment of digital technologies for communities in resource-contrained environments. It is based on a research program at VU that runs since 2009. Students following this course design socio-technological solutions based on use cases provided to them by users in rural regions of Africa and Asia.

EURIDICE presented at Aurora Biannual in Naples, 28 May 2024

Naples, 28 May 2024. The Vice-rector of Education of the University of Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fügenschuh, presented EURIDICE and the novel European joint master curriculum as one of the educational innovations currently being designed by an expert team of the EURIDICE Consortium, in which academics from the University Federico II of Naples (UNINA), University of Innsbruck (UIBK), Palacky University Olomouc (UPOL) participate. A special session was devoted to discuss design and implementation of Micro-credentials … Read more

EURIDICE at 20×30 Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills Summit

Madrid, 16 May 2024 – The “20×30: Europe’s ADS Summit”, took place today in La Nave in Madrid. How to train 20 million European citizens in the next five years, to become specialists in Advanced Digital Skills: that is one of Europe’s priorities underpinning the Digital Decade policy initiative, in this era of rapid technological evolution. The EURIDICE project was one of the few projects that were invited for a special showcase. EURIDICE stood out … Read more

“Disasters, technologies and societal resilience” EURIDICE expert lecture

Amsterdam, 12 April 2024 – Guest lecture by Kees Boersma, professor of socio-technical innovation and societal resilience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, W&N Building De Boelelaan 1085, D107. Audience: Computer Science, Information Sciences, AI master students in the ICT4D elective module (96 master students), and project partners from Babafla and UDS. Amsterdam, 12 April 2024 – In this lecture, Kees Boersma explains how disasters are actually not natural. Hazards such as earthquakes and floods are natural events, … Read more

EURIDICE Curriculum Design workshop 20-22 March 2024

Innsbruck, 24 March 2024 – Twelve experts from three EURIDICE partners: University of Naples Federico II: (UNINA), University of Innsbruck (UIBK), and Palacky University Olomouc (UPOL) joined in a three-day curriculum design workshop to formulate requirements, structure and content of the curriculum for EURIDICE’s joint European master Digital Society, Social Innovation and Global Citizenship. This European joint master is an innovation in Higher Education and one of the core objectives of the EURIDICE project. Some … Read more