EURIDICE at 20×30 Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills Summit

Madrid, 16 May 2024 – The “20×30: Europe’s ADS Summit”, took place today in La Nave in Madrid. How to train 20 million European citizens in the next five years, to become specialists in Advanced Digital Skills: that is one of Europe’s priorities underpinning the Digital Decade policy initiative, in this era of rapid technological evolution.

The EURIDICE project was one of the few projects that were invited for a special showcase.

EURIDICE stood out for its goal of building Digital Leadership, through education that bridges the gap between the technical the societal, bringing in the ethical, cultural, human-centered and reflective perspectives.

The 20×30 summit brought together thought leaders from business, academia, and policy-making to chart Europe’s journey in advanced digital skills. The roundtables, keynote speeches, workshops, and showcases, made this summit a crucible for innovative solutions and strategic collaborations aimed at redefining Europe’s digital skills landscape.