Student cultural event

EURIDICE’s dissemination and ecosystem expanded in the cultural domain On February 26th, 27th, and 28th, 2025, the small local theater Insblau in the historic city of Leiden, the Netherlands, hosted a spectacular musical performed by 40 students from the MFLS (Medische Faculteit der Leidse Studenten) medical student association at Leiden University. The musical production was directed by Leeuw van Moerkerken, who had been training and mentoring the students weekly, since February 2024. The music was … Read more

How to address the SDGs in the light of the Digital Transformation?

Attribution of this picture: DALL-E

Amsterdam, January 2025 – Everywhere in the world, people are talking about the Digital Transformation. Artificial Intelligence (AI), once a rather obscure and contested area in Computer Science, has become a coffee-table conversation topic. Many countries and blocks (incl. EU) have policies in place to educate digital skills, and they aim (all, without exception!) to be internationally leading. How this is connected to progress in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is however … Read more

Digital transition discussed with Minister of Education in Sarawak

Kuching, 17 September 2024 – EURIDICE (partners UNIMAS, AKMC and VU) were invited by the Minister of Education, Innovation and Talent Development of Sarawak to discuss innovative education on Digital Society, in the light of the ongoing Digital Transformation. The EURIDICE project was presented to the Minister and his top-level staff and the European policies regarding digital technologies were discussed. Sarawak, Malaysia, as one of the rapidly growing economies in Asia, is faced with a … Read more

Connected World Outreach event: Symposium “Perspectives on ICT4D”

A mini-symposium was devoted to ICT for Development in the Field. ICT4D is an interdisciplinary research topic, to explore design/deployment of digital technologies for communities in resource-contrained environments. It is based on a research program at VU that runs since 2009. Students following this course design socio-technological solutions based on use cases provided to them by users in rural regions of Africa and Asia.

EURIDICE at 20×30 Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills Summit

Madrid, 16 May 2024 – The “20×30: Europe’s ADS Summit”, took place today in La Nave in Madrid. How to train 20 million European citizens in the next five years, to become specialists in Advanced Digital Skills: that is one of Europe’s priorities underpinning the Digital Decade policy initiative, in this era of rapid technological evolution. The EURIDICE project was one of the few projects that were invited for a special showcase. EURIDICE stood out … Read more

First EURIDICE Professional Life-Long-Learning Module: ICT for Social Good

Turin, Italy, February 2024. At the request of the University of Turin, Italy, EURIDICE has delivered its first Professional Life-Long-Learning module (WP4). It is entitled “Introduction to ICT4D and Interdisciplinary Applications”, and it has been delivered as part of Turin’s master degree program “ICT For Development and Social Good” ( 15 professionals in various areas of Development participated, from all over the world (Africa, Latin America, Europe, Middle East).