Home Events AI Act – Informative Session

AI Act – Informative Session

What are its societal and technical implications?

VU, NU Building, Theater-7-NU-4C11, De Boelelaan 1111, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
April 25 @ VU, NU Building, Theater-7-NU-4C11, De Boelelaan 1111, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The Network Institute at VU is hosting an informative session for researchers and external experts on the societal and technical implications of the European Artificial Intelligence Act.

Keynotes by:

Gabriele Mazzini (European Commission), Gemma Newlands (Oxford Internet Institute), Vincenzo Tiani (Panetta Law Firm), Koen Hindriks (VU), Stefan Schlobach (VU), Guszti Eiben (VU), Christine Moser (VU).

There is time for networking and drinks afterwards.