Home Events Human-AI Collaboration: A Student Centered Perspective in Higher Education – presentation

Human-AI Collaboration: A Student Centered Perspective in Higher Education – presentation

Porto, Portugal
October 23 @ Porto, Portugal

Presentation by Liana Razmerita from Copenhagen Business School (CBS) at the 23rd European Conference of e-Learning (ECEL).

The European Conference on e-Learning was established 23 years ago and is generally attended by participants from 40 countries. This conference hosts an interesting combination of academic scholars, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of e-Learning. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning publishes a special edition of the best papers presented at this conference.

On behalf of the EURIDICE project Liana Razmerita from CBS will give a talk and present a paper on Human-AI collaboration, from a student-centered perspective.

ECEL will take place in Porto, Portugal, 24-25 October 2024, and is hosted by the Universidade Portucalense.
