Karazin expert lectures: Alina Kalashnikova

Physicality of the digital society: bodies, things, spaces.

Online via Zoom
June 18, 2024 @ Online via Zoom


As humans, we are by design born in bodies made from organic materials, equipped for sensing, moving and acting in the physical world, which consists of spaces, places and things. But the digital space is different, disconnected from physical, highly interconnected, unique, unprecedented, and whatnot – but we do still use the same spatial metaphors to describe it.

In this lecture, Alina Kalashnikova will talk about the fundamentals of perception which shape our views of the space – both physical and digital, – and our approaches to embodiment as making things that can not be touched, real. We will discuss the meaning of the place and placement in a world of communication, the objective dimension of our digital lives, and finally look at our minds and bodies as objects under construction in this ethereal contemporarity.

About the speaker

Alina Kalashnikova is an Associate Professor at the Applied Sociology and Social Communications Department, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, PhD in Sociology, coordinator and analyst of sociological researches in social communications.

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