Marc Rotenberg: “AI Governance: An Abundance of Norms”

EURIDICE Digital Humanism lecture series

Zoom : see below
April 16, 2024 @ Zoom : see below

Over the past year, we have seen a variety of AI governance frameworks being adopted, at national and international levels. This includes the EU AI Act, the US Executive Order to the Bletchley Declaration, the UN Resolution, and various other frameworks. Once legislation is adopted, the focus will shift to implementation and enforcement. Given the variety of AI governance frameworks, the challenge is to seek harmonization, while leaving open the possibility of responding to upcoming, unexpected challenges. In this lecture, Marc Rotenberg, founder of the Center for AI and Digital Policy, will provide a preliminary assessment of the current state of AI governance and the challenges ahead.

The DigHum community and EURIDICE dissemination team are looking forward to seeing you:
Participate via Zoom (Password: 0dzqxqiy). The talk will also be live-streamed and recorded on the DIGHUM YouTube Channel.

See the talk at DigHUm lectures Youtube channel: