Hybrid Learning Workshop in Vienna

During Euridice’s biannual meeting held in Vienna on the 9th and 10th of September 2024, the Institute for Lifelong Learning at the University of Barcelona (IL3-UB) delivered a workshop on Hybrid Learning. This 3-hour session aimed to provide teachers and professionals with practical insights and hands-on experience in creating effective hybrid learning lessons and suitable technological environments.

To begin, participants explored key concepts of hybrid learning, as well as the technological requirements for hybrid classrooms. They also compiled a list of best practices for designing such lessons, covering topics such as accessibility, group work, student’s well-being and assessment.

Also, during the workshop, the ACAD (Activity-Centered Analysis & Design) framework was introduced. This framework served as a foundation for the group work based on two case studies: 1) the design of a 3-hour hybrid seminar and 2) the design of a 3-5 ECTS hybrid module.

Participants worked in groups and were provided with Manual Thinking® materials (large maps, removable labels, markers and pens) to create visual maps that included the epistemic and social design aspects of one of the two case studies.

After engaging in interesting group discussions and designing different visual maps (one per group), a representative from each group presented their results to the rest of the participants. The workshop concluded with a discussion where everyone shared their learnings on the key points that should be considered when designing a Hybrid Learning lesson or module to enhance their teaching and learning hybrid experiences.

Link also to the blog post about this event by Michal Zych from Palacky University Olomouc.