Home Mobile technology for maternal health in Ghana

Mobile technology for maternal health in Ghana

Mobile technology for maternal health care: Bridging the gap between skilled and traditional birth attendants in northern Ghana.

An Information Science master research project by Farah van den Berg – supervision by Anna Bon (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) resource person Gideon Ali (UDS) January – June 2024.

Despite advances in health care in Ghana, maternal mortality at birth is still extremely high, especially in rural regions in northern Ghana. The conventional medical services are not sufficient to serve the large population. Patients have therefore to resort to traditional bed attendants. Whereas in recent years mobile technologies have been positively evaluated in improving access to health care in Ghana, these technologies are used by conventional health services. In this research, the accessility of mobile technologies for both traditional and conventional health care will be explored. Based on interviews and use case & requirements analysis with local stakeholders, this research will propose a method how mobile tech can be adapted, as to bridge the gap between traditional and conventional health care.