Home News


  • Hybrid Learning Workshop in Vienna

    Hybrid Learning Workshop in Vienna

    During Euridice’s biannual meeting held in Vienna on the 9th and 10th of September 2024, the Institute for Lifelong Learning at the University of Barcelona (IL3-UB) delivered a workshop on Hybrid Learning. This 3-hour session aimed to provide teachers and professionals with practical insights and hands-on experience in creating effective hybrid learning lessons and suitable…

  • Digital Humanism Summer School Vienna, 2024

    The EURIDICE project is proud to present a short account on the 3rd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School 2024. Digital Humanism is an interdisciplinary initiative that examines the complex interplay between technology and humankind, with the aim of creating a better society and placing humans at the centre of technological innovation. Digital Humanism breaks down…

  • EURIDICE’s biannual in Vienna: co-creating hybrid teaching experiences

    EURIDICE’s biannual in Vienna: co-creating hybrid teaching experiences

    Vienna, 11 september 2024. We look back at a successful second biannual of EURIDICE’s partners, at the invitation of TU-Wien, following up on the first biannual, kindly hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences of UNINA in Naples, on 31 May this year. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the ongoing design and…