Past EURIDICE Events

A CBS Global Citizenship event: Leading through Wartime

April 26 @ Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have, in room DH.V.2.71

AI Act – Informative Session

April 25 @ VU, NU Building, Theater-7-NU-4C11, De Boelelaan 1111, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Expert lecture: Digital Services for Rural Communities

April 24 @ Zoom  Meeting ID: 960 3514 6352  –  pass code ICT4DZOOM or De Boelelaan 1111, 1081HV Amsterdam, room 3A06

Global COIL Fair on Sustainability

April 23 @ Zoom link: Meeting ID: 999 2747 8264 Passcode : 150872

European joint master curriculum design workshop

April 17 @ Palacky University, Olomouc

Expert lecture: Decolonizing the Internet

April 16 @ Hybrid meeting , De Boelelan 1105, Amsterdam, and zoom see below

Digital Society Study Visit UDS

April 2 @ Amsterdam

Kick-off meeting in Amsterdam

January 10 @ VU Amsterdam